This morning we had our first ultrasound. It was really exciting to see the baby wiggling about (actually quite a bit) in my womb. When I asked Tim (just now) what he thought of the experience, he said, "I liked it... I thought it was pretty exciting. And... I was kind of relieved that there was only one in there. I think I would have fainted had there been more than one." He was beaming during the ultrasound and clearly quite pleased about the situation.
When I showed it to the girls at school, they shrieked appropriately, and Chadene insisted that it was "such a beautiful little fetus." Even Ewan joined in the oohing and aweing and said, "It's quite a special experience. When I saw my wee one on the screen, it brought a tear to me eye." I admit I got a little choked up.
I love him so much, too. I'm so excited to be an aunt to someone in the same state. I'm going to spoil her rotten. Oh, and your little pterodactyl is waving at me.