I'll take you to the mountains, I will take you to the sea.
I'll show you how this life became a miracle to me.
~ Dar Williams

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

10 months continued…

On New Year’s Eve, we took a day trip to Castle Island in Boston Harbor.  Our friend Daniele knit two really cute hats for Squiggles – an apple (shown) and a watermelon.

a park

As usual, the baby was delighted to be walking around outside. 

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Hanley Inc, 2010.

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We didn’t bother to make new year’s goals;  we had already produced a masterpiece.

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Daddy got up with the baby one morning, and I found them like this.

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The baby was sick from the beginning of December until April.  Poor baby. 


We play a game where we “throw” the baby back and forth between Mommy and Daddy.  She really, really, (really) likes this game.

Snapshot 1 (3-27-2011 10-46 PM)Snapshot 2 (3-27-2011 10-46 PM)Snapshot 3 (3-27-2011 10-47 PM)

We also help her “walk” back and forth between us.


When she makes the trek (or even if she doesn’t) we clap enthusiastically.  She loves it.

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Can you tell that we adore this little girl?

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